Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Making Tea!

Today I want to talk about making tea! :-) 

Does your family love drinking sweet tea, iced tea whatever tea it would be? Well my family does and we drink a whole lot of it too! 

So that leaves me making tea almost everyday, if not everyday then every other day. 

I make my tea by boiling my water and tea bags on the stove and then making it in my pitcher with sugar.. I don't have a fantasy tea maker, I used to but it broke and so I just haven't gotten another one! 

But when I make my tea I have this problem that I ALWAYS ALWAYS bust the tea bags. Then my tea is left with tea leafs floating all in it, and we have to drink them also. 

My family doesn't like when that happens so today when I made tea, I really tired not to bust the bags. BUT.... That didn't work and they still busted.. Lol.. 

So not wanting to leave the leafs floating around, I thought of this thing I saw my babysitter doing when I grew up and I gave it a try... 

She used to rubber band paper towels over her tea pitcher and pour the tea through it to catch the leaves. 

So I tired that my own way, I took this really thin kitchen towel I had just pulled out of the clean towels and rubber banes it over the pitchers. Then slowly I started to pour the tea on to the towel and it slowly went into the pitcher leaving the leafs on the towel.. 

This is a slow process, because if you go too fast you'll spill most your tea down the sink because it runs through slowly! So take your time!! 

When you are almost finished and your new pitcher is filled with tea and it's touching the towels you'll have to pull it tight to let the tea go through it and not stay a little puddle.. 

But once your done with it the towel will be filled with the tea leaves and your tea will have none, just rinse the towel with water and throw it in the laundry to be washed!! 

I know some are probably thinking it's easier not to busted the tea bags, well yes I know but I am the worst for it so this is how I fix the problem!!! 

Have a good day please comment if you tired and liked this idea or if you know something you would like me to try and see how it works out... 

❤ Danielle 

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