Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Have you ever just felt so many emotions at one time, and you just didn't know what to do or where to turn? 

Well yeah that's how I have been feeling here lately and some of those which include: 


Also many more, it's just crazy when you become the adult and you have to make the decisions and do what you think is best.. When all your life mom did that for me.. 

I've been feeling stressed here, because I don't know what to do or where to go! 

Feeling worried is because I am worried about what others always think or say and I know I shouldn't but I do and that's my biggest mistake on my part I let what others say effect me way to much.. 

Confused comes in with everything, I feel I have my mind made up and then it's just like well no that's not what I want and then I don't know what I want so it makes it crazy.. 

Sad here because I really miss all my family and the close friends back in North Carolina, but I am trying to make the best life for us and the kids.. 

Happy because I am talking to you guys a lot and I get to hear about how everyone is and I love everyone! 

Excited here well because I am excited a lot of times for No reason at all.. I mean really little things make me excited.. 

All these emotions are coming in with that big ole battle I have been having forever now... 

Do I want to Stay in California, or Do I want to move back to North Carolina??

I know I know if I left it open to everyone they would tell me to move home all but Jeffrey and Carl they like us here but want us to be happy no matter if it's staying here or going home.. 

I kind of feel like I want my cake and I want to eat it too but I can't have both, so when I have to choose is when I become overwhelmed with all these emotions here.. 

I want to stay here in California, well because it's so new to us and it's like a Brand New beginning.. How often do you get a new start on things? Also because we have came a long way since we got here Six Months ago! We are getting more settled in and going to be able to afford a car hopefully soon and maybe our own place.. With the fact mom and I have to get a job.. 

Steven already has a job and he is waiting on a Promotion which will be a lot better for him and give him more hours and more money also.. But that's on hold because we haven't really made up our minds as to what we want to do... 

Well then there is going back to North Carolina, which that is totally awesome if I just think of coming back to see everyone we love and miss, but with that it also means, we have to spend all that money to get home which ever way we come back it will cost up no less then $3,000 that's enough to buy a car or a deposit on a house around here.. Just to get home and then Steven will be quitting his job and so all three of us will be coming home, with no job, no where to put all our stuff and no where to live (Although we know someone would let us stay with them probably) we don't want to do that to anyone so getting our own place would be what we wanted but no jobs equal no money!! 

My unemployment time is up I have no more money I can file until May or June I can try again but I don't know if I'll get it or not and I need a job by then!! 

So with all this being said, Steven, mom and I are still talking and trying to figure it all out.. We know and understand fully that everyone misses us and wants us back but we are trying to really work out the Pros and Cons on everything and really figure it out.. So please understand that.. 

We have also talked that maybe we just need to visit North Carolina and see everyone and spend some time together and all that good stuff and then come back here.. 

We want to get a place and have room for you all back there to be able to visit California and stay with us while your here, I know you all want to see California who doesn't.. It's beautiful here and so much nicer then how everyone has always made it out to be.. 

I also have big dreams, which I dream big but what the heck they could come true! I have dreams of being a Chef, a writer, and a Photographer.. Being here I am more willing in getting these things done then I am back home.. 

That's why figuring this out I have to get my act together and get done with school.. I hate that I'm not done yet, but I am going to get there and get it done.. It will be easier too when DannieLynn gets in school because, she'll be in school and I'll only need someone to watch one child and if mom was to get a job I could afford daycare or whatever just for Braxton..

I am a person that never wants to hurt or make anyone upset with me, so with that being said I understand if I go home Jeffrey and Carl will be up set, heck I'll be upset.. Terry and Lenny will be upset, Terry has been asking me what's wrong since I got boxes and started taking stuff out of the room... 

I also understand if we say that we want to stay that everyone in North Carolina will be up set with us and all that and this my friends is the BIGGEST reason I didn't want to tell anyone we were even talking about coming home!!

So here it is I am spilling my guts Truly and Honestly to EVERYONE that reads this.. You may comment you opinion or whatever you feel like saying, but just know it's so much easier for me to talk to you about it like this or something I am not good with speaking it I don't want to hurt anyone and I HATE to cry when I'm talking to someone!! 

I hope you all understand where I am coming from and if you don't I am truly sorry but I love you all and always will no matter what!! 

❤ Danielle 

Saturday, February 8, 2014


Number 28: Write a letter to your younger self!! 

So if I could tell my younger self a little something, I'm not sure what all I would tell me but there is a little bit of stuff.. So here is my letter to myself... 

Dear Danielle, 

While your young take your time and enjoy the little things in life, like being a kid and having your parents to take care of you and listen to what they say because it's all for the better. Stay in school and really try hard to finish, when your supposed to because it's so much harder when your older.. 

Take your time growing up and really enjoy it, don't wish you were 16 then 18 and then 21 because it's nice having that freedom at those ages but not having to work and support your self is so much better then being an adult lol... 

Although I love working for the things I want and need, life is much easier as a child, when you don't have to stress about things or worry with anything going on in the world.. 

So enjoy those times and then grow up and get married and have your babies and be a adult, then enjoy that time.. ;-) 

I love my husband and Kids I would never ever change them for the world or when I got married or had my babies I had them early yes I know but that's ok I would never change it for anything.. 

The older me: Danielle Griffin 


Thank you all so much for taking the time to read these blogs everyday of this challenge.. This is the last post for the month.. I truly enjoyed taking the time to write and I hope you liked reading.. 

I will be back soon with another post not sure when but I will be! So stay tune as I write more on all types of subject!! 

Thank you all so much!!! 

❤ Danielle

Day 27 of 28

Number 27: What song played during your first dance as Husband and Wife? Why? 

Let's see our wedding was four years ago this July... So it's hard to remember what we first danced too.. 

But that song was...
"Then" by Brad Pasiley we both loved that song and it just seemed to be the right song for us to dance too.. 

I remember trying not to stare
The night that I first met you
You had me mezmorized
And three weeks later
In the front porch light
Taking 45 minutes to kiss goodnight
I hadn't told you yet
I thought I loved you then

Now you're my whole life
Now you're my whole world
I just can't believe
The way I feel about you girl
Like a river meets the sea
Stronger than its ever been
We've come so far since that day
And I thought I loved you then

This is the first part of the song and it explained us 100% and so it was just right for us to dance to this song!! 

I hope you enjoyed this short post and will be back tomorrow!! 

❤ Danielle

Day 26 of 28

Number 26: Your Favorite High School Moment? 

Well as everyone knows I didn't finish school, so I don't really have a favorite moment in High School I didn't stay long enough to have favorite anything... 

The short amount of time I was there tho I did always have a good time in when I was in classes I liked.. 

Which would be.. 

Parenting class, sewing, cooking.. 

Those were my favorite classes... 

I did have one good moment, which wasn't good at the time but funny now.. 

I was in sewing class, and we had a class full of girls and one boy, well this guy was my really good friend, so I was willing to be partners with him when we would sew and all... 

Well one day I was helping him sew and the thread broke, when I stuck my finger under the needle to fix the problem, he thought it would be funny to start sewing, ( Thankfully I just got my nails done) having fake fingernails saved my real nail from being sewed off like my fake one was lol.. Funny now but painful then!! 

Hope you all had a wonderful day.. Will see you back tomorrow for the next post.. 

❤ Danielle 

Day 25 of 28

Number 25: The Raiderattes are suing the Raiders because they claim they made less then $5.00 an hour. Do you believe NFL Cheerlearders should be paid more? 

I am not sure at all how true this topic here might be, or really what these Cheerlearders really make.. 


Yes I do feel if they only make $5.00 an hour they are getting the crap end of the deal, I know I know they aren't doing anything to dicult, like being slammed to the ground to have a football ripped from their hands.. 

But they are spending HOURS and HOURS getting ready for these game, working very hard to keep their figures perfect for the crowds and fans.. ( you know like that Bullying post) I would hate for a Cheerlearders to have a little meat someone will call her fat... 

Then there is Game day, these girls spend hours on the side lines cheering and screaming, probably loosing their voices to cheer on the team, and they might even loose but the girls are still cheering a long the whole time for them!! 

So regarudless of anything yes I think they should make more then $5.00 an hour.. Esp knowing that the NFL players make Thousands or even Millions, your dang Cheerlearders deserves some more too!! 

See you back here tomorrow... 

❤ Danielle   

Day 24 of 28

Number 24: Your most embarrassing Moment! 

Honestly I can't really remember my most embarrassing moment I know I have some lol but I really don't know.. 

One of those moment was back in 2007 after my bad car wreck, I had broke my neck so I was in that huge ugly neck brace, my hair was all bloody and gross and I was just beat up, my face half rip off, it was just gross.. 

We went out shopping and everyone would always stare at me and kids would point and say things and I remember how embarrassing that was and crying because I hated the way I looked like that being in public.. Most times I wore my sun glasses so no one could see who I was.. 

I don't really know anymore, I know there is a lot more but I can't think of them! 

What's your most embarrassing moment you can remember?? 

❤ Danielle

Day 23 of 28

Number 23 here: What Advice do you wish you would have received before having kids? 

I'm not so sure that I wished I had received any advice before having my kids, I think I had some pretty good advice.. 

I also feel like having a child you kind of learn as you go type deal, I mean you need your common sense of how to feed, change a diaper and things like that you should know from helping with babies in the familes.. 

But the rest of it, is kind of like a learn experiment to me.. 

I was young when I had both my children and we have made it this far so I'm sure we are doing a pretty good job ;) 

Hope you enjoyed.. LeAve some comments if you wish you had received some advice before having your children! 

❤ Danielle

Day 22 of 28

Number twenty-two here: Have you ever been Builled? If so, how did you handle it? 

Honestly, I can't not remember if I have ever been Builled.. I know at some point I probably was when I was younger but I don't remember it to know how I handled it or anything like that.. 

So with that being said I'll give you a post like this.. 

If you know of someone being Builled or that is bullying someone, do not be scared to get help for that person.. No matter what do not be scared that someone will call you a tale tail or anything like that.. You honestly could save someone's life by helping them get help.. 

If your child is being Builled, figure out why and get to that school and have something done and put a stop to it.. 

People and Kids do not understand that bullying or being Builled can be so harmful but really it can be.. 

Rather it's Internet or face to face it's wrong and needs to have a stop put to it.. 

Always be kind and treat people how you want to be treated, even when it's hard and you want to go off, it's better to just walk away and be the bigger person!  

I went to school with someone that was Builled for some things and this person ended up taking their life because it got to be so bad.. It should never come to that a bully should be stopped before something this tragic happens... 

If you see someone being Builled, offer to be a friend.. 

If someone gets a mean text message or anything, send kind works and help make it better.. 

Be apart of the Postive NOT the Negative!  

I hope you enjoyed today.. and that you will be able to help someone if you see then being Builled or anything like that.. See you back tomorrow.. 

❤ Danielle 

Day 21 of 28!!!

Today is number 21: What made you Smile this week? 

Well let's see what has made me smile this week.. My children and family, I love everyone so much they mean everything to me.. 

Also it makes me smile, to see all the support we get from everyone.. When we are at cross roads and don't know ejat to do.. I am so thankful we have such wonderful friends and family.. 

My children have been so good this week and DannieLynn so excited that it's the week of her birthday so we have been counting down the days.. 

We went to the Park and it was Nice to see the babies playing and having fun and Stevens crazy self trying to ride a skateboard lol..

This has been a great week and we are wrapping it up with a nice day at the beach on Saturday to celebrate DannieLynn's 5th birthday!!  

This day is EXTRA SPECIAL because......


OUR BABY GIRL TURNS 5!!! Oh my I can not believe we have a 5 year ok daughter it seems so unreal that she is this age.. It feels just like yesterday we were having her!! She has grown so much in these five years, she is a awesome little girl with a great imagination, I wish I could still come up with some of the stuff that she does.. It's so amazing some of the things she said and acts out.. Her personality is pretty amazing also, she is still a bit shy but she seems to be breaking out of that... It's also so hard to believe she'll start school this August!!! 

I hope you enjoyed this special post I wrote today and that you have a very great weekend I'll be back tomorrow for day number 22.. 

❤ Danielle

Day 20 of 28

Number Twenty here: Three Easy ways to save money on your grocery bill? 

Well here I'm not going to like google and find out really how to save money on the grocery bill by like using coupons or anything like that but I'll tell you three simple ways that could help you save money, that I have always heard growing up.. 

1: Always make a list, I know I never make a grocery list either, but I really should.. When I go to the store only needing a couple things I always spend way to much by not having a list and getting those things and getting out of the store.. So Always try and make a list and Stick to it.. 

2: NEVER Ever go shopping for groceries when you are hungry, because you'll buy more then if you were full.. You'll see all these yummy things your starving for and you'll be tempted to buy more and more and that makes you spend more.. 

3: If you can help it try and shop without the young children, you know because it's so hard to say no to them when they want those chips, cookies and all those other things.. That will make the bill more then what it should of been.. Also try to avoid those items for your self too.. 

Just for fun, 

Number Four: This is my personal Opinion when I shop for Groceries, Do Not shop at Walmart for the groceries because if your like me you'll shop for everything else, then you will either not have enough money for the food items you needed or you will go over all together in what you wanted to spend.. So anytime that I go out grocery shopping I try and stick to the stores that is only filled with food... 

I hope you enjoyed this post for today and I'll be back tomorrow for a SPECIAL day number 21, tune in tomorrow and see why it is Special... 

❤ Danielle 

Day 19 of 28

Nineteen: five tips to take the perfect photo? 

Well well, I'm not real sure how to take the Perfect photo but I can tell you some ways to take a good photo.. Lol, 

1: You are going to want to make sure you have a really good spot for the photo, without a lot of background stuff.. Unless you are somewhere you want all the back ground stuff.. 

2: Make sure you have everyone in the photo and you won't be cutting anyone out.. 

3: Be quick with the camera if you have small kids or people that can't stop (squinting) in the sun light (Jeffrey) ;) 

4: make sure your light is good so that you'll be able to see the photo really good.. Use flash if you'll need it.. 

5: Please Hold the camera Still until the picture is taken so it's not all blurry (Missy) ;) Our mom loves Blurry photos lol.. She is getting better with it tho!! 

Here is some simple tips on taking the perfect photo.. I hope you enjoyed for today and I'll see you back here tomorrow! 

❤ Danielle

Day 18 of 28

Topic Eigthteen Here: Five Favorite TV shows!!! 

I sure do love my tv shows and I have so many that I watch so this is going to be hard to only pick five of them!! But let's see what I can come up with here.. 

1: Big Brother- I absolutely LOVE this show right here... I can't wait every summer for it to come back on, I would probably try and be on the show if I didn't have children lol.. I love to watch this show tho it's my top number one show.. 

2: The Bachelor/Bachelorette- I really enjoy this show when the bachelor/bachelorette is a good one some seasons I like better then others I don't really watch much if I don't get interested the first little bit..

3: Dancing with the Stars- I like this show a lot when it's on, I like it the best when a star I really like is dancing like last season with Snooki.. 

4: General Hospital- I know I know I picked on my mom and everyone and said I would never watch this stupid show but I watched it when I was in elementary school with my sitter and just grew up watching it so it's in my blood I can't help it.. I really like it!! 

5: Master Chef- I love some Gordan Ramsay so of crouse I love me some Master Chef, I also enjoy cooking so this is one of my tops too!! 

What the heck I'll do ten favorites let's see what else I have!! 

6: The Taste- I really like this show too because again it's cooking and I really like Ludos as a chef, but I kind of got mad because the cook I like really good went home when their was two others that should of went home.. 

7: Baby Daddy: The funniest show on ABC Family I really enjoy it.. The one guy on there used to play on Full house so it's a plus.. 

8: Snooki and Jwowww- I really like top I don't watch as much as I used to but I do still enjoy it when the seasons are on. 

9: Little People Big World- I have watched this show since the beginning when TLC first started it and I have loved it since.. I really like to watch it.. 

10: The Little Couple- when I first saw this show I didn't think I would like it but I watched it and it really grew on me and I enjoy it a whole lot now.. 

This is my favorite tv shows I have so many that it would take me all night to name them I believe so I'll leave you with ten!! 

If you want to comment leave your 5 favorite tv shows, so we can see what everyone likes to watch on tv!! 

I hope that you enjoyed today and I'll see you back tomorrow for day number nineteen... 

❤ Danielle

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Day 17 of 28

Number Seventeen: If you could spend 1 hour with Justin Bieber, what advice would you give him? 

Take just a moment and think about the question yourself, then read on down to see what advice I would give to him... 

If I could spend one hour with him, my advice to you Justin Bieber would be this.. You need  to Pull it together dude, you are way to young to be in all the trouble that has been reported about you.. 

I haven't saw your new Movie, but I heard some about it and how you talked about how they alway report the bad and not the good that you have done, Well dude that's how the Media is they want to see you at your worst and make a big deal about it, because that is how they get all the public feedback.. 

When you broke out into the world with your first song "One Time" you were so young and the younger girls and teens went crazy for you, you were the next teen idol since Miley had already went down and weird, you had it all and so much going for you, well yeah you still had the media and people that didn't like you but Hey over look that because you don't know them anyways.. 

Then it was like you fell apart.. You need to get it back together and get back on top, you might not ever be back to the place you were when starting out but you'll maybe be better or people mind change the way they look and think of you when they hear your name.. 

Also you're so young and shouldn't been in the mess that you are in.. this should still be your shinning years in your music Career... 

So my biggest word of advice is Pull it together Dude before you have gone too far like some of the young people before you that could be much better off now.. 

See you guys back tomorrow.. Please leave me a comment in your Advice to Justin if you have any?? 

❤ Danielle 

Day 16 of 28

Number Sixteen Here: Love it or Hate it, What's your view on Politics?  

well to be honest with you I don't love them.. I don't usually pay any attention to things that has to do with politics because I don't care about that type stuff.. 

I know I know, I need to care and get in the loop of knowing what is going on, but why should I do that when I see everyone else saying things about them and I can read opinions that have been said and kid of get the idea of what is going on.. 

I don't so much hate Politics either until it's time to start campainging and voting then it just drives me nuts.. I just feel like it's all money rackets and waste of time.. 

Being Honest again I don't like them much either because most the darn time I don't even understand what they are even trying to tell me they will make change in, I hardley ever see the change as to others in the world so I am not sure.. It feels like a lot of those people stand and lie in your face just to get that vote and then it's their game and they play it how they want to and not the way it was all planned to be.. 

well this is somewhat my views on politics.. What do you think about them Love or Hate it? 

Have a great night and I will be back Tomorrow with Post number Seventeen... 

❤ Danielle 

Day 15 of 28

Topic number Fiftteen: 5 ways to make the most out of Google+ 

Hope you all had a wonderful Valentines Day!! Mine sucked but that's ok, my husband got me some flowers and a card tho, that was super sweet and I love him to the moon and back... I also spent a lot if time with our children and they had a good day playing and being kids with no one around.. 

Well well Well I really don't know what to say about this topic, because I don't use Google+ I have never messed around with it so I am not real sure of what to say... 

So instead of making up something and not knowing what to say I am going to... 

Take this time to THANK YOU all for reading my Blogs, I am so very thankful and touched that you all read what I have to say.. I am trying really hard on making sure I am using the right Gammar and Punctuation Marks.. 

When I started this blog I didn't think anyone would read it and that I wouldn't like doing it, but I can tell by my pageviews that some people are reading and I have a little commenting and feedback.. 

I really enjoy when you guys leave the feedback.. and I just have a question to ask and if some people can let me know that would be great... 

When I post the Links to my blog are they easy to see and find or do you have a hard time finding it?? 

again I really enjoy you guys and I can't until more people start seeing what I post and leave some comments.. I will be back again tomorrow with my next post.. 

Have a great night all... 

❤ Danielle 

Day 14 of 28

Topic Day fourteen: Valentine's Day, what's the big deal? Shouldn't we celebrate love every day? 

Yes we should celebrate our love every single day and show those people we love that we do love them.. 

but what's the big deal with Valentines Day, well on that day is when you are supposed to slow down your day and and spend a little extra time together, do things you usually don't get to do and make it a real special day for you and your loved one.. 

Valentines Day for us though is like any other day, I am not sure how you spend your dad but we usually work and spend what time we can together and with our kids.. 

I love my husband everyday and try to show him that but on this Love day it's a little bit differently.. 

Hope you enjoyed for today... Kind of short because it has asked about Valentines Day like three time's now and I feel like I'm stuck on Repeat.. 

❤ Danielle 

Day 13 of 28

Topic number 13: If you could change One thing about your self what would it be? 

Well this is HARD, for one I have no clue of one thing I would change if I could.. Also a lot of the things I would say hey I could change this well I could change it I just haven't so this is kind of hard.. 

I am going to say tho, if I could change one thing I am going to pick.. 

I would be a More Active Person.. 

With that being said, I would spend less time doing down time things, like watching tv and being lazy.. 

I would spend my time doing other things like exsericing and staying on the move so that other things I want change in would happen also.. 

I know I know this change can happen and it takes my self to make this change and I really need to do it but I will get there and be that person I want to be.. 

A little bit at a time.. 

Hope you all had a wonderful day and enjoyed this post I will be back tomorrow with day number 14.. 

❤ Danielle

Day 12 of 28

Topic number 12: Write a post inspired by the word: FAMILY!! ❤ 

Family where life begins and Love never ends.. 

You can't choose your family so you have to love them, even when times get hard and you want to walk away that's ok but deep down that love is still there and you are still family.. 

I love my family with my whole heart and soul, I have the best family in this world.. We are all well behaved people and for the most part have our ducks in the rows they are supposed to be in, we are a strong family which love and supports each other, but hey what can I say our family was all start with an amazing TWO amazing woman and then it all started from there.. Grandma Hill and Grandma Marthra, I love these two more then anything they were and are the back bones in our family and although they post are gone now, we are still glued together because they raised us up to be strong and to support each other..

I completely amire our family and how loving and all we are, not only to each other but to other as well, we always welcome people in with open arms for anything that we had planned or whatever.. 

I am so thankful for this amazing family we have guys.. Thank you all for staying amazing! 

This is so very true but we all get over it pretty quick and we are back on good terms, and as long as it's always like that it will always stay amazing!! ❤ 

I love all you guys even the ones married in your amazing too and you are FAMILY!

Hope you enjoyed be back tomorrow! 

❤ Danielle 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 11 of 28

Topic number Eleven: Describe your perfect Valentines Day! 

Well let's see what is a perfect valentines day to me? 

To me that's just spending time with my husband and children, nice dinner at home that is, I don't like fighting crowds and trying to keep the kids on their best behavior on this such busy day.. 

This year on Valentines Day our school is closed so I will at least get to spend time with my husband before he goes to work, since the last two valentines day he has worked night shift while I didn't so we didn't get to spend much time together! 

I hope you enjoy your love day this year and it's the best day for you!! I really don't know what I  will be doing but probably just hanging out with our babies and everyone here at the house!!

❤ Danielle 

Day 10 of 28

Topic number Ten: What are your Five favorite Phone Apps? 

Well I love my iPhone and I use it a lot so I should be able to come up with my five favorite apps, so let's see what I have... 

1. Facebook App- I use this app a lot on my phone... Although here lately I haven't been on Facebook as much as usual I just check in to see what's happening from time to time or when I get something popped up I need to check and see.. 

2. Instagram/ Camera Apps- I am putting these two together because they are kind of the same.. I love these two apps because I really love to take photos!! I take photos of everything sometimes even the most random things.. then most the time I spend a lot of time deleting photos lol.. 

3. Blogger App- I enjoy this app and have been a lot more since I started this challenge and have been coming here everyday, even though there isn't much to this app I still fine my self looking at it a lot.. 

4. Pinterest App- Now this app here probably gets used more then anything on my phone at all.. I abesoulty love me some Pinterest and I know I blow up a lot on the wall and Facebook with my pins.. Sorry guys 

5. Sarafi App- I say this is my favorite because I use it a lot to read the blogs I follow and like so much, I also google a lot of stuff and that comes from using good ole Sarafi.. 

There is a lot more apps I really enjoy on my phone and I hope that you have a lot you enjoy too.. If you have some cool apps and would like to share feel free I always download new apps and if I don't like them I delete but I at least try them out first.. 

Hope you all have a great day/ night and look back tomorrow for post number 11.. 

❤ Danielle 

Day 9 of 28

Topic number Nine: How do you keep your children safe on the internet? 

Well thankfully for now my children are still too young to be using the internet, but they are growing quick and will be using it in a blink of an eye!! 

But how do you keep children safe online, well I feel the way to keep a child safe is to go over what they are allowed to do and what sites they may visit..

Also I don't think a child should be turn loose onto a computer to do whatever they want to do, a parent should be near even if it's not at all times, here and there within an appropriate time frame.. 

I will do what I can to keep my children safe online when they time comes by being involved with what they are doing helping teach both my children the right ways of using online.. You don't ever get on there looking for trouble.. 

If your children is using the internet teach them some important things about what they do.. 

1: whatever you put online, can always be changed so be very careful of what you are placing online.. 

2: protect your reputation by only posting things that you will not regret later on.. 

3: ALWAYS be nice online, Don't be a cyber bully those are just as bad as being a bully face to face!!! 

Just as the Facebook post yesterday this is everyone for their own! You might think differently and not have online rules but I am all about trying to be sure my babies are safe!! 

Even with the iPads and their tablets I try and also check to see what is going on but with them young they don't understand internet and what's it's for so the biggest thing I have to make sure they don't charge up my bank card on the apple store!! 

I hope that you enjoyed and I'll be back again tomorrow for your next post.. Leave some feedback if you have something you would like to say or add to what I talked about here!! 

❤ Danielle 

Day 8 of 28

I use this photo but NOOO my children do not have a Facebook... 

Topic number eight: At what age should children be allowed to use Facebook and how much parent involvement do they need? 

Well well well... Today's post is about the good ole world of Facebook.. 

My opinion of children on Facebook is this, I think that a child should not be allowed a Facebook until Middle school the earliest..

 I don't feel like a child in K-5th grade or younger should have a Facebook, they shouldn't really have a clue what Facebook is.. They should be more focused on playing and being a child then being on the internet.. 

But when a child become old enough to have a Facebook I think parent involentment should be a pretty good part of it, first there needs to be Facebook and Internet safety gone over and then the parent should often look onto the profile just to make sure there isn't anything going on that shouldn't be and that someone wasn't added my mistake and creeping on your young child... 

But your opinion of when your child should get a Facebook might be totally different and that's ok, each person and parent to their own! This is just my thoughts and probably when I will allow my children a Facebook account, or whatever is out by that time! 

Hope you enjoyed today and will be back tomorrow for another post.. 

❤ Danielle

Day 7 of 28

Topic number 7: Write a post inspiried by the word: LOVE 

Well that L word is such a big and strong word.. No one should ever use that love word unless they truly mean it.. With that being said I can only thing of one thing talking about Love and this is it... 

1 Corinthians 13:4-8

New International Version (NIV)

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away.

That right there tells you all about love!! I really hope that you enjoyed and I'll see you back tomorrow for more!! 

❤ Danielle

Day 6 of 28

Topic number 6: Your top 5 books!! 

Well if you know me then you already know this, I don't read books! If you don't know me well, you just learned something new today about the writer of this blog.. ;) 

It's very true I have never been the type of person to read books tho I just don't like them.. But that's very odd because I read a lot of internet blogs and most of them are fictions blogs.. So if I read that I should be able to read a book huh? 

Well I do have a few books I have read and finished so I will listen them below!! 

1. Fifty Shades of Grey, I read this book in no time at all it was so easy to read and hard to put down.. 

2. Fifty Shades Darker, this book is very good too I enjoyed it so much.. 

3. Fifty Shades Freed, now this book was very good, which they all were and as you know they went together so it made sense to read all three.. But I have to say when I was reading this third book it was sad because the story was ending and I have to wait on book 4 or the movie and it's taking forever for one to get here!! 

4. Chicken Soup books, I love all these books.. I have never read one all the way through I don't think but I really like them and when I get a chance I like to flip through them!! 

5. Fictional blogs, since I don't know another favorite book of mine I'll use the blogs I read.. I read five fictional blog which I really enjoy, they are all about Relationship, love, sex and pizza mostly, and all writing by young females trying to make it in the world, with crazy run into guys and things like that.. They are all based from different places and it makes it fun reading so many different ones to see how the stories are all different and what they are all doing.. 

I need to find me some books that I will like and read, reading is good for you but I just haven't found anything that I could just sit and really read.. I'll be on the look out and if you have any opinions then feel free to let me know!! 

As always your feedback is welcome I hope you enjoyed this blog post and I will be back tomorrow for another one!! 

❤ Danielle 

Day 5 of 28

Topic number 5: 5 tips to staying Organized... 

So here is the topic for today, and with this I am not so sure what to say, because I am not the best organized person in the world.. I know how to get stuff together but the fact of keeping it that way NO WAY lol..  

1. Do one thing at a time.. think of what you need to do and what needs to be organized and do it one thing at a time.. this will help you to complete one job before moving on to the next.. 

2. Do it now.. when you see something or know of something you want organized or changed do it at that moment and don't try and put it off.. By putting it off it might now get done.. 

3. A (good) place for everything, and in it's place.. take the time and place those things you use all the time in a nice and neat place so it is simple for you to get to when your ready to use it.. and for those things you aren't using or never use there is a place else where for it Trash Can, or donate it to someone else if it is worth having.. 

4. Keep a to do list.. and make sure that everything you want to do has a due date and that will help that you get it done.. 

5. Change..obsolets unimportant things brings down any method and idea that isn't timeless, it brings up newer and more important things that you can resist anymore.. It's an organizing tool that operates itself. You have to Embrace it.. and have the power to change and make your self an Organized Person!!! 

I hope you might can use some tips and become more organized if you feel that your not, also I am in need of staying on top of the changes I make.. I hope you enjoyed this blog and I will be back tomorrow for more.. 

❤ Danielle 

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Day 4 of 28

Topic number 4: Your Favorite Valentines Day Baked Goods... 

So today I am here to talk about my favorite Valentine Day baked goods, and man that is a hard choice since I like so many.. But I have to say I am a sucker for.. 

Sugar Cookies I love me some sugar cookies no matter what holiday it is.. 

Also I really like Cupcakes and sometimes I like brownies.. 

Well Since I told you what my favorite is and there isn't much to really talk about it I will post and tell you how to make some sugar cookies in case you want to jump in the kitchen and make some this Valentines Day....

Homemade Sugar Cookies: 

What you will need: Ingredients 

- 2 3/4 Cups all-purpose flour 
- 1 teaspoon baking soda 
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 
- 1 cup butter, soften 
- 1 1/2 cups white sugar 
- 1 egg 
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 

(Note: If you rather use Self Rising Flour you can leave out the Baking Soda and Baking Powder)  


1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degree C) in a small bowl stir together flour, baking soda and baking powder. Set aside. 

2. In a large bowl, cream together the butter and sugar until smooth, beat in egg and vanilla. Gradually blend in the dry ingredients. Roll teaspoonfuls of dough into balls, and place onto ungreaswd cookie sheets. 

(Note: You can also roll the whole thing of dough out about 1/2 inch thick and use a Valentines Day cookie cutter to make special cookies) 

3. Bake 8 to 10 minutes in the preheated oven, or until golden brown. Let stand on cookie sheet two minutes before removing to cool on Wire Racks. 

After they cool enough that its safe temps for children you make use different icing and sprinkles to make them all pretty before eating.. 

Makes 4 dozen of cookie. 

If you want to make them Vegan Leave out the Egg and replace it either with a egg replacer, 1 Tablespoon of Apple Sauce, or 1 whole Banana... 

Also I would like to Note I got this recipe from I did not make it up or anything and I give full credit to the website I just used as a reference. 

I hope that you all enjoy this post for today and as always your feedback is always welcome.. I hope that you like this and if you use the recipe let me know.. 

until tomorrow.. 

❤ Danielle

Day 3 of 28

Topic three: Five Valentine day date ideas.. 

1. Nice Dinner to the favorite place you or your Valentine likes to eat at.. I would be picking Olive Garden I love that place, my husband hasn't ever eaten there and I have only a few times but this is about my favorite nice restaurant.. I also like a steak house too so either one would be a great night out for Valentines Day! 

2. Movies ( which I don't like movies) but there is always a new romance movie coming out on Valentines Day so you and your date could catch a nice movie to spend the night together.. This year it looks like there will be a few new movies starting Feburary 14, 2014 the titles I saw online would be.. "About Last Night" "Endless Love" "Love is in the Air" "Lucky Bastard" and "Winter Tale" pick you a good movie and make it a date night.. Valentines Day 2015 "FIFTY SHADES WILL BE OUT" 

3. Red Box and Take out.. If you are the type of people that doesn't want to be out fighting all the crowds on Valentines Night then order some take out from your favorite place and a red box movie, spend the evening at home snuggled up on the couch watching a nice movie! 

4. Just Play... Not like you think nasty ;) you and your date spend a day, together just doing childhood memory things you loved as a child.. Select your favorite childhood activity.. Seining on the swings, play Monopoly, and make a mess with Finger paints, having pillow fights and so on.. Do each other's favorite activity a they enjoyed as a child and share your stories with each other as your spending the day together.. 

5. Mini Golf (Putt-Putt) who doesn't love a few rounds of putt-putt.. Spend your day with your date out on the green grass playing some putt-putt but take your time and enjoy the day together, no need in rushing the special day away!!  

So here is my 5 date ideas I hope that you enjoy, and that you and your date has a very happy valentines day with whatever you choose to do on this day!! 

If you choose one I have listed send me some feedback and let me know how it went.. 

If your single on Valentines Day, find you a date if possible.. There is someone else out there single too that might like just a special day out.. 

❤ Danielle