Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 9 of 28

Topic number Nine: How do you keep your children safe on the internet? 

Well thankfully for now my children are still too young to be using the internet, but they are growing quick and will be using it in a blink of an eye!! 

But how do you keep children safe online, well I feel the way to keep a child safe is to go over what they are allowed to do and what sites they may visit..

Also I don't think a child should be turn loose onto a computer to do whatever they want to do, a parent should be near even if it's not at all times, here and there within an appropriate time frame.. 

I will do what I can to keep my children safe online when they time comes by being involved with what they are doing helping teach both my children the right ways of using online.. You don't ever get on there looking for trouble.. 

If your children is using the internet teach them some important things about what they do.. 

1: whatever you put online, can always be changed so be very careful of what you are placing online.. 

2: protect your reputation by only posting things that you will not regret later on.. 

3: ALWAYS be nice online, Don't be a cyber bully those are just as bad as being a bully face to face!!! 

Just as the Facebook post yesterday this is everyone for their own! You might think differently and not have online rules but I am all about trying to be sure my babies are safe!! 

Even with the iPads and their tablets I try and also check to see what is going on but with them young they don't understand internet and what's it's for so the biggest thing I have to make sure they don't charge up my bank card on the apple store!! 

I hope that you enjoyed and I'll be back again tomorrow for your next post.. Leave some feedback if you have something you would like to say or add to what I talked about here!! 

❤ Danielle 

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