Saturday, February 8, 2014

Day 25 of 28

Number 25: The Raiderattes are suing the Raiders because they claim they made less then $5.00 an hour. Do you believe NFL Cheerlearders should be paid more? 

I am not sure at all how true this topic here might be, or really what these Cheerlearders really make.. 


Yes I do feel if they only make $5.00 an hour they are getting the crap end of the deal, I know I know they aren't doing anything to dicult, like being slammed to the ground to have a football ripped from their hands.. 

But they are spending HOURS and HOURS getting ready for these game, working very hard to keep their figures perfect for the crowds and fans.. ( you know like that Bullying post) I would hate for a Cheerlearders to have a little meat someone will call her fat... 

Then there is Game day, these girls spend hours on the side lines cheering and screaming, probably loosing their voices to cheer on the team, and they might even loose but the girls are still cheering a long the whole time for them!! 

So regarudless of anything yes I think they should make more then $5.00 an hour.. Esp knowing that the NFL players make Thousands or even Millions, your dang Cheerlearders deserves some more too!! 

See you back here tomorrow... 

❤ Danielle   

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