Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Day 10 of 28

Topic number Ten: What are your Five favorite Phone Apps? 

Well I love my iPhone and I use it a lot so I should be able to come up with my five favorite apps, so let's see what I have... 

1. Facebook App- I use this app a lot on my phone... Although here lately I haven't been on Facebook as much as usual I just check in to see what's happening from time to time or when I get something popped up I need to check and see.. 

2. Instagram/ Camera Apps- I am putting these two together because they are kind of the same.. I love these two apps because I really love to take photos!! I take photos of everything sometimes even the most random things.. then most the time I spend a lot of time deleting photos lol.. 

3. Blogger App- I enjoy this app and have been a lot more since I started this challenge and have been coming here everyday, even though there isn't much to this app I still fine my self looking at it a lot.. 

4. Pinterest App- Now this app here probably gets used more then anything on my phone at all.. I abesoulty love me some Pinterest and I know I blow up a lot on the wall and Facebook with my pins.. Sorry guys 

5. Sarafi App- I say this is my favorite because I use it a lot to read the blogs I follow and like so much, I also google a lot of stuff and that comes from using good ole Sarafi.. 

There is a lot more apps I really enjoy on my phone and I hope that you have a lot you enjoy too.. If you have some cool apps and would like to share feel free I always download new apps and if I don't like them I delete but I at least try them out first.. 

Hope you all have a great day/ night and look back tomorrow for post number 11.. 

❤ Danielle 

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