Monday, August 26, 2013

Texas and New Mexico!!

Dear (Insert YOUR NAME here), 

We made it to Texas, was early in the morning around 4:45am or so, and we were pretty excited, we saw the Texas sign and just so happen it was at the rest stop area so we could get out and walk around a bit, also while at the sign getting our pictures made, we heard something messing around in the wood area so we stood real still to see what it was, when it came out we could see it was a Armadillo, that was awesome none of us had ever saw one other then a few hours before when we saw one dead on the road, we were taking some pictures when it ran off from hearing us, then soon it came back and I was able to get a real good picture on the camera!

We drove into Texas until Jeffrey and Carl could rest up some, we all slept in the car, then headed back out!! 

I never thought we would get out of Texas it took us forever, that darn state is HUGE!! 

Finally after forever in Texas we finally hit Dallas, that was pretty cool that city is really nice and beautiful, here is some photos of Dallas 

We even passed by the Cowboys Stadium but I couldn't get a good picture!! It was really cool when we passed Six Flags over Texas!! 

Miles and miles after Dallas we drove through a lot of country and mountains, we got to see these really cool wind mills I really enjoyed those a whole lot, 

Heading to El Paso you get really close to the borader of the US and Mecixo that was pretty neat ill never seen anything like that at all.. 

Well Finally after a long long ride in Texas we made it into New Mexico.. 

When we entered New Mexico it was very hot and you could tell you was in the  desert area! Our very first stop was at the rest area not far into the state so we all could use the bathroom and be ready to drive through there isn't a bunch of places to stop out in desert area, so we all get out to walk around and all the first sign we see is this... 

That's right "BEWARE" of "RATTLESNAKES" so I was freaked out and everywhere I stepped I was looking for dang snakes!

New Mexico is a little bit of a boring state all we see is mountains and roads with trains, I promise I think the West Coast has the Longest Trains I've ever seen in my life. 

We made a stop at this little store out in the middle of New Mexico, so everyone could walk around, or just get out for a bit and we came along these Grass Hoppers they were wild and would scare ya cause they were just big and EVERYWHERE! 

They don't mess with you or anything but there was just a lot of them and they are really big lol... 

We also in this shop ran across a lot of hats and things like that and our babies ESP. Braxton fell in love with the hat he hasn't harder taken it off since we got it for him, he loves to put it on for a picture to be made.. 

They also had this Tee Pee looking thing we went over to check out while we let the dogs walk some and exirsce their legs and all.. Carl had me freaked out that there might be Rattlesnakes under there so I was tripping trying to hurry up and get away from it.. 

While on this little trip over to the Tee Pee Steven found him a little friend he wanted to scare us all with lol.. Once we knew what it was we were fine tho.. :) 

After all of this little adventure it was time to head back into the car and Arizona here we come!! That will be in the next blog along with Califonia... 

Until next time... Good Night Readers!! 

I love and miss all of you back home I hope that you all are doing good, and enjoying my blog.. Lynn and Braxton is doing really good and have handled this ride amazingly,  everyone that said they felt bad for the babies in the car this long know they have done really good and we have only had a few melt downs! 

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